What is it ?






Pyvon is written entirely with Python, Tkinter (the integrated graphical toolkit) and Pmw ( which is an extension of Tkinter).
On most Linux, Unix and FreeBSD systems, Python is very likely to be already installed on your system.
Warning : You will need Python 2.2 for pyvon to work properly. You are going to encounter errors if you use it with previous release.

Just type python in a console to check if it's installed.

If so, you will get a >>> prompt. (Ctrl+D or C to exit).
If not, go to to download it.

Once you have downloaded the archive, do the following :

If you have downloaded a tgz archive :

For users with root rights

1 - Log as root

2 - Untar the archive in a temp directory :
tar xzvf pyvon**.tgz

3 - Cd to the pyvon_tmp directory :
cd pyvon_tmp

4 - Install the program in the /usr/local/directory

5 - You can start pyvon simply by typing 'pyvon' in a shell
You can now delete the pyvon_tmp directory

For User without root rights

1 - Go to your home directory
cd ~

2 - Untar the pyvon archive. This will create a sub-directory called pyvon_tmp
tar xzvf pyvon*****.tgz

You have now a newly-created pyvon_tmp directory which contains
- install.txt(this file)
- ***.tgz

3 - Untar the tgz file (ie : if the tgz file is named 'd35.tgz') to create a directory called pyvon
tar xzvf ~/pyvon_tmp/d35.tgz

4 - Goto the pyvon directory.
cd pyvon

5 - Edit the file named and replace the line [...] /usr/local/pyvon/ [...] with [...] ~/pyvon/ [...].

6 - Start the application

You can now delete the pyvon_tmp directory

If you have downloaded a rpm package :

- simply click on the archive to start the installation like any other rpm package.
    -> a new folder is created in /usr/local/
    -> all the necessary files are copied to that newly created directory
    -> a symbolic link is created from /usr/local/pyvon/pyvon to /usr/bin/pyvon

Once the installation over, pyvon can be started from a console by simply typing : pyvon
You can also launch the application by creating a link from your desktop to /usr/local/pyvon/pyvon