What is it ?






Pyvon is written entirely with Python, Tkinter (the integrated graphical toolkit) and Pmw ( which is an extension of Tkinter).
On most Linux, Unix and FreeBSD systems, Python is very likely to be already installed on your system.
Warning : You will need Python 2.2 for Pyvon to work properly. You are going to encounter errors if you use it with previous release.

Just type python in a console to check if it's installed.

If so, you will get a >>> prompt. (Ctrl+D or C to exit).
If not, go to  www.python.org to download it.

Once you have downloaded the archive, do the following :
- untar the archive to the directory you want ( with writing permissions) : tar xzvf Pyvon_****.tgz

- go to the newly created directory : cd Pyvon
- type the name of the little script that starts it all : ./Pyvon

Note :
f you have already downloaded Pyvon before :
As all the parameters are stored in Pyvon.ini it may be a good idea to make a backup of it. You can replace the Pyvon.ini file found in the archive with yours.